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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fall-Justin Bieber love story Epilogue, part 1 ♥

Fall-Justin Bieber love story Epilogue, part 1 ♥ Video Clips. Duration : 0.08 Mins.

Epilogue: Seven months through Jessie's pregnancy- July 24th. Jessie's stomach looked like this: "You taught me how to love..." Jessie sang, to her new English fans. In the past five months, Justin managed to convince Jessie to sing, in front of his recording company. They were instantly swayed and taken, with her voice, so that's how she ended up sharing Justin's tour. That's why it became an extended tour. "You're beautiful, Jessie! So is your bump!" Called out a very excitable fan-girl, over everyone else. "Aww, thank-you!" Jessie blushed, as she sat on a high stool, holding her microphone on a stand. "Thank-you all, so much for having me, tonight! Since this is my last song for the night, I'm gonna call someone up, to sing with me!" Smiled Jessie, pushing her glasses up slightly. The whole arena became full with screams and shrieks. "Who wants to come up here?" Chuckled Jessie. Everybody screeched and tried to yell, over each other. "Hmm" Jessie stood up, then walked slowly closer, to the edge of the stage. The spotlight finally landed, on a short blonde girl, about sixteen, almost two years Jessie's junior. "Oh my gosh!" Cried that one lucky girl, as a bodyguard came and helped her onstage. "Hi sweetie, what's your name?" Jessie smiled warmly, passing her microphone, to the girl. "I-I'm Jenna" She couldn't help but giggle, a little, as Jessie greeted her with a hug, although her stomach seemed to get in the way, somewhat. "Well, Jenna... it's lovely ...

Keywords: love story, Taylor Swift, songs, plane crash, fun, stories, boring, random, different, ice cream, wish, Justin Bieber, Jb, Prologue, thelastgarlicfinger

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